Author: Amit Yadav

Date: 2021-10-14 11:00:00


project: Car logo classification


Final output

A computer screen shot of a logo

Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated



Video is also in the folder.

Architecture used: ResNet50, VGG19


Dataset: data   

            |__ train

            |__ test

A collage of different logos

Description automatically generated


Car Brands:

'Audi.common', 'BMW.common', 'Chevrolet.common', 'Datsun.common', 'Fiat.common', 'Ford.common', 'Honda.common', 'Hyundai.common', 'ISUZU.common', 'Jaguar.frontal', 'Jaguar.rear', 'Jeep.common', 'Kia.common', '', 'Mahindra.common', 'Maruti-Suzuki.common', 'Mercedes-Benz.common', 'MG-Motor.common', 'Mitsubishi.common', 'Nissan.common', 'Renault.common', 'Skoda.common', 'Tata.common', 'Tata.text', 'Toyota.common', 'unknown', 'Volkswagen.common', 'Volvo.frontal'



ResNet50 Architecture:


Model: "resnet50"

code in: car_logo_resnet.ipynb



    1. Load the images and visualize them

    2. Found a standard ratio and make it as standard input size for the model

    3. Data Augmentation

    4. Data flow pipeline

    5. Model building (used transfer learning)

    6. Model training

    7. Model evaluation

For 20 Epochs

A graph of a person and person

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Trained for 50 epoch but model peaked so earlystopped at 43 with patience 10A graph of a person and person

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

   A white and blue square with black dots

Description automatically generated with medium confidence



Output in folder: results_on_resnet.csv



VGG19 Architecture:


Model: "vgg19"

code in car_logo_vgg19.ipynb





    1. Load the images and visualize them

    2. Found a standard ratio and make it as standard input size for the model

    3. Data Augmentation

    4. Data flow pipeline

    5. Model building (used transfer learning)

    6. Model training

    7. Model evaluation

For 50 epochs

A graph of loss and loss

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

A graph of numbers and letters

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


                                                Confusion matrix for 50 epochs


Output in folder: results_on_vgg.csv
